Qinge Xie
Reach me at qgxie@gatech.edu
756 West Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA
756 West Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA
Hello! I am a PhD student in Computer Science at Georgia Tech, fortunately advised by Prof. Frank Li. I am broadly interested in real-world computer security topics. More specifically, I focus on studying web security/privacy problems and building secure systems that can be used in practice.
Before Gatech, I received my bachelor’s from Zhejiang University of Technology, and received M.S. from Fudan University, advised by Prof. Yang Chen.
Arcanum: Detecting and evaluating the privacy risks of browser extensions on web pages and web content
Qinge Xie, Manoj Vignesh K M, Paul Pearce, and Frank Li
In USENIX Security Symposium, 2024. [Artifacts Avaiable, Functional, Reproduced]
Qinge Xie, Manoj Vignesh K M, Paul Pearce, and Frank Li
In USENIX Security Symposium, 2024. [Artifacts Avaiable, Functional, Reproduced]
Crawling to the top: An empirical evaluation of top list use
Qinge Xie and Frank Li
In Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference, 2024.
Qinge Xie and Frank Li
In Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference, 2024.
Building an open, robust, and stable voting-based Internet domain top list
Qinge Xie, Shujun Tang, Xiaofeng Zheng, Qingran Lin, Baojun Liu, Haixin Duan, and Frank Li
In USENIX Security Symposium, 2022. [Artifacts Avaiable]
Qinge Xie, Shujun Tang, Xiaofeng Zheng, Qingran Lin, Baojun Liu, Haixin Duan, and Frank Li
In USENIX Security Symposium, 2022. [Artifacts Avaiable]
Trimming mobile applications for bandwidth-challenged networks in developing regions
Qinge Xie, Qingyuan Gong, Xinlei He, Yang Chen, Xin Wang, Heather Zheng, and Ben Y. Zhao
In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2021.
Qinge Xie, Qingyuan Gong, Xinlei He, Yang Chen, Xin Wang, Heather Zheng, and Ben Y. Zhao
In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2021.
Deep graph convolutional networks for incident-driven traffic speed prediction
Qinge Xie, Tiancheng Guo, Yang Chen, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang, and Ben Y. Zhao
In Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2020.
Qinge Xie, Tiancheng Guo, Yang Chen, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang, and Ben Y. Zhao
In Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2020.
We know Your preferences in new cities: Mining and modeling the behavior of travelers
Rong Xie, Yang Chen, Qinge Xie, Yu Xiao, and Xin Wang
In IEEE Communications Magazine, 2018.
Rong Xie, Yang Chen, Qinge Xie, Yu Xiao, and Xin Wang
In IEEE Communications Magazine, 2018.
LBSLab: A user data collection system in mobile environments
Qingyuan Gong, Xinlei He, Qinge Xie, Shihan Lin, Guozhen She, Ruiyu Fang, Rui Han, Yang Chen, Yu xiao, Xiaoming Fu, and Xin Wang
In Workshop on Mobile Human Contributions (MHC) at Ubicomp, 2018.
Qingyuan Gong, Xinlei He, Qinge Xie, Shihan Lin, Guozhen She, Ruiyu Fang, Rui Han, Yang Chen, Yu xiao, Xiaoming Fu, and Xin Wang
In Workshop on Mobile Human Contributions (MHC) at Ubicomp, 2018.
Understanding User Activity Patterns of the Swarm App: A Data-driven Study
Shihan Lin, Rong Xie, Qinge Xie, Hao Zhao, and Yang Chen
In UbiComp (Poster Session), 2017.
Shihan Lin, Rong Xie, Qinge Xie, Hao Zhao, and Yang Chen
In UbiComp (Poster Session), 2017.
Cite Arcanum: Detecting and evaluating the privacy risks of browser extensions on web pages and web content
Research Experience
Research Assistant, advised by Prof. Haixin Duan
Research Assistant, advised by Prof. Ben Y. Zhao and Prof. Heather Zheng
Research Assistant, advised by Prof. Yu Xiao